Snappy, slick & intuitive viewing experience — optimized for both desktop and mobile web browsers (HTML5) — that will impress your coworkers and customers.
Strong Value Proposition
- Intuitive User Interface for touch/gestures, mouse, keyboard and shortcuts.
- Mobile & Desktop — User Experience (UX) optimized for desktop, tablets and mobile.
- Fast & Snappy Great performance. Lightweight (downloads and runs instantly).
- Web App True HTML5 web based, any web browser (see technical features below).
- Hassle-Free for Users No download, plug-in or updates/upgrades.
- Very low Total Cost of Ownership Straight-forward integration and installation.
- IT Friendly Design Multiple powerful ways for easy integration and deployment (for example use embedded, inline or in popup).
- Fault Tolerant Design The CAD Viewer is made up of static files hosted on your web server making a deployment most reliable.
- Flexible Customizable User Interface (UI). Typically, effortless integration in your project/infrastructure.
- Customizable Possibility to order extensions/customization per site installation (custom build/license).
- Enterprise Site licensing available. For on premise installation, software (not online service). Traditional software licensing with Support & maintenance support option.
Try the Viewer
Mini Guide
Touch (Phones and Tablets) Pinch in and out to zoom. Drag to pan. Double tap to zoom extents. Using the same intuitive gestures as users expect and are familiar with.
Mouse (desktop) Click-drag to rectangle zoom. Right-click to zoom extents. Scroll wheel to zoom on and out. Click scroll wheel to pan. Or, use arrow keys on keyboard to pan.
Example: Embedded Viewer without Controls, Pen Colors on Black and Zoom set. Zoom extents (or right click) to see full drawing. Very useful on for use in documentation, manuals and handbooks.
Example: Embedded Viewer without controls. Click/tap drawing to popup the PLT CGM Viewer in new window/tab.
» The standard viewer takes you far, but a tailor-made build may be what is needed in case you have very specific requirements. «
Technical Features
- Web App HTML5 using Canvas and JavaScript (client-side app)
- Web Browser Support Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Internet Explorer 11+, Safari — Chrome (mobile), Firefox (mobile) and Safari (mobile).
- User Experience Intuitive and optimized for mobile, tablets and desktops.
- Hassle-Free Will just run in any web browser (without any plugin or component to download and keep updated)
- Interaction Touch, gestures, mouse, scroll wheel, keyboard and shortcuts.
- Opens HP-GL/PLT/CGM (The HP-GL PLT CGM Viewer is compatible with any CAD system)
- Saves to vector formats (PLT/HP-GL/HPL/CGM, DXF, PDF) and pixel/raster format (PNG).
- Print via PDF export.
- Easy Installation Host the Viewer's static files on your web server for a fault tolerant installation.
- Easy Deployment The viewer can run embedded in web pages, as standalone web pages or as a resizable popup (fullscreen), fetching drawings (static or dynamic) via URL or showing drawings in the web page.
- Easy Integration The flexible installation and deployment options makes it possible to integrate the viewer in virtually any web based system, regardless of underlying platform or infrastructure.
- Custom Build Option to tailor the build to meet specific technical requirements, in case needed. Possibility to extend the HP-GL, PLT and CGM Viewer's file format support
- Lightweight Downloads fast. Loads fast. Result: fast web pages and a fluid experience across all devices.
- High-performance Snappy and responsive.
Try with Your Drawings?
Contact Us
Do you have questions or concerns about adaptation possibilities?
Perhaps you would like to have the CAD viewer to display you drawings, not problem, just let us know and we'll set up a demo for you.